
Showing posts from July 17, 2022

5 Sequels Better Than The First Book

Hello readers, I’m finally free to read as much as I want since I’ve finished my summer exam session! I can’t actually believe to be able to laze whatever I want, so I try not to waste my time and write a useful article. It’s a different topic from my ordinary reviews, but now I have more free time so I hope to post more frequently here. As you can read from the title, today we’re going to talk about sequels I liked even more than the first book. They’re fantasy books and the great part made me cry, but there’s no shame in admitting it. Am I right? Anyway, let’s move on. 5 The Kingdom of Copper is the second book in the Daevabad Trilogy, one of my personal favorites. I've loved the City of Brass, don't get me wrong, but in this book, the characters' backgrounds are deepened and I felt more connected with every one of them, especially with Nahri and Ali. I can't say much about it since I don't want to spoil anything significant for the plot, but if you love a book fu